World of Concrete Returns to Las Vegas


by Vincent Perozzi

As Las Vegas has seen quietness in the realm of major conventions this past year, we greatly look forward to the return of the World of Concrete 2021 in just a few short weeks. Slated for the LVCVA’s new West Hall, not only are we going to see a great convention come back, but we get to do it in a brand new hall.

What’s new at the World of Concrete? As the country opens up to gatherings again, we expect safety protocols and more digital enhancements to take care of registration, entrance, media etc.

Why is WOC so important to the world? Quite simply, this industry is the backbone to infrastructure everywhere. As explained on their site: World of Concrete is the commercial construction industry’s largest annual international event for concrete and masonry professionals.

Highlights at WOC 2021:

New Products – Get to see the industry’s newest products. A preview can be seen here.

Exhibitor Demos – One of the greatest assets of being on the floor of a show is seeing products in action.

Education – Learn about how businesses can perform better and stay up on the latest insights affecting the industry. Check out the education plans here.

Image courtesy of LVCVA.

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